Mesothelioma Statistics

The deadly disease of mesothelioma is diagnosed in close to 3,000 Americans each year. The only established cause of thiscancer is exposure to asbestos. The real tragedy is that this fatal disease could have been avoided. Most victims were unknowingly exposed to asbestos at work or while serving in the military. Other victims developed mesothelioma due to environmental exposure from loved ones coming home from work with their clothes covered in asbestos fibers.
This type of cancer is diffuse malignancy that spreads itself throughout a tissue area as an invasion of a large number of smaller masses, unlike other cancers that are characterized by a single, solid tumor mass. This diffuse nature has important implications for how treatment, and complete surgical extraction of the cancer is difficult.

Types of Mesothelioma

The mesothelium, the membrane that surrounds many of the body’s vital organs, is where the cancer develops when asbestos is inhaled or ingested. The membrane secretes a lubricating fluid that provides easy movement of the organs within the body. When the mesothelium becomes cancerous, it is called mesothelioma.
There are multiple forms of the cancer when it affects the mesothelium. The form is determined by the location in which the tumor begins, known as its origin site, and the type of cells that the tumor invades, known as its histological subtype. Each type may require a different treatment.

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